Staff/Teacher Requirements
LBS Staff/Teacher Requirements:
We expect those who partner with us to: Be born-again Christians who have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who are not actively living in adultery (not divorced & remarried, sex outside of marriage, fornication) or living a homosexual lifestyle.
We require the following to be observed while at LBS:
- Absolutely no smoking, drinking or drug use will be tolerated during the week of LBS.
- Men are to wear long pants and shirts with sleeves. (No shorts or sleeveless shirts) We also ask that men do not wear hats during worship times.
- Ladies are to wear a modest shirt & knee-length dress/skirt, and are to wear a head covering while at LBS that is a symbol of a covered head.
- Men and Ladies are to refrain from wearing jewelry, including earrings and facial piercings. (exception made for engagement/wedding bands)
We understand that we all see these issues from a slightly different vantage point as we partner with Christians with different perspectives. While we respect and value that, we require that these requirements are followed at all times while on the LBS grounds or representing LBS in Lancaster City.
We’re not attempting to make these things the main focus – in fact, the more we can simply be respectful of these requirements, the more we can stay focused on why we’re partnering together at LBS: to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus!