Our greatest passion is to lift up the name of our God & Savior to bring Him the glory and honor He deserves. We want to understand and have the heart that Jesus had, and still has, towards people. We want to tell others about Him. We want to help others experience His love and compassion through us. We want to lead them to His cross where they can taste Him and see that He really is good (Psalm 34:8). We want to walk beside those with whom we come in contact and disciple them as God works in their lives, cleaning out the self and sin and changing them into a reflection of Himself. We want to lead them into a relationship with Christ that not only causes them to live a life free from sin, but also gives them a passion to rise up and fight for the Kingdom of God.
We want to give fellow believers an opportunity to share Christ in their own communities, believing that as we show others the way, we will taste God in a new way, and our own lives will be transformed.